

I thought I would provide some information with regards to Coronavirus, I am sure most have either furloughed or currently working from home. However, I am sure you are awaiting the update from the government sometime this week to provide us with some detail about returning to work. I would like to provide some Health & Safety advice and recommend specific control measures;

  • All employees are asked to wash their hands on arrival and when they leave the premises.
  • All employees are advised to wash their hands regularly as per government guidelines.
  • All employees should keep a reasonable distance from each other where possible (2m)
  • Employees are advised not to loiter in groups
  • Where the 2 m rule cannot be followed, employees are advised to wear face masks.
  • Meetings are to be carried out via video link where possible and face to face meetings are to follow 2 m rule.
  • Visitors employees are asked to wash their hands on arrival and when they leave the premises.

For those clients that work outside then;


  • Inductions, daily briefings to be conducted outside where possible.
  • All employees using the canteen to heat food should try to carry out task alone.
  • Employees are to not eat food in canteen but try to eat either outside (weather permitting) or in vehicles.

If employees suspect they may have the virus then they are to self-insolate as per government guidelines.

Once we have received an update from the government this week and you need specific site/ business advice then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tags: Covid-19

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