Health and Safety Policy
The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 states an absolute duty that all employers who have five or more employees must produce a written health and safety policy. This is a bespoke document relating to your business and the activities within it, this policy can be written for you by our consultants.
General Risk Assessments
If you have 5 or more employees then your company has to document your risk assessments and communicate them to its employees. This is a legal requirement.
Accident Investigation
If there has been an accident in your workplace then you have a legal requirement to ensure you investigate it and reduce the likelihood of it happening again.
Inspections and Audits
Independent workplace safety inspections are one of the most effective ways to monitor your safety standards. Our consultants visit workplaces including construction sites, factories, offices, warehouses and provide a detailed report back to you, the client. Likewise, an audit will provide you with a detailed report identifying if your business is legally compliant and following a set standard.
Fire Risk Assessments
The Fire Safety Act 2021 replaces many of the references to fire safety in other legislation such as, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and Fire Precautions Act, Licensing Act and Housing Acts with a simple, single Order. The Act now requires any person who has some level of control of the premises where they operate (The Responsible Person), to take reasonable steps to reduce the risks associated with fire and ensure that there are suitable emergency procedures in place should a fire occur.
Competent Person
The law requires that every employer shall have a competent person to assist them in undertaking the measures they need to take to comply with the requirements imposed upon them under UK health and safety legislation.
The Health and Safety Executive defines a competent person as someone who has sufficient training, experience and knowledge and other personnel qualities that will allow them to assist you effectively in your health and safety responsibilities.